The Tin Shed
Tex Bryson

The Tin Shed is a 8 x 6 colourbond shed, filled with every tool imaginable. Look to the left and you might find stored house paints, metal offcuts, hammer and nails and an airbrush compressor. Look to the right and you might find a half constructed crossbow, scale model of an Australian aircraft carrier or a wooden carved lifelike replica of a horse.
To an outsider, the myriad of things within this little backyard shed might seem to be haphazardly placed. But everything has a purpose, even though the only person who might know that purpose is Michael (Tex) Bryson.
Tex's skills in all things hand-crafted began in Vietnam with an interest in model aircraft. From there, over the past 50 years he's progressed from working in the bedroom of a RAAF marital house, to finally upgrading to a dedicated, albeit small, backyard shed. With more space for creating, the collection of unique tools grew. Over the years, Tex's projects have becoming increasingly complex. The largest project to date is the 7.5m high working model of a medival trebouchet, which is on display annually at the Cabooluture Abbey medieval festival.