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B29 Super Fortress & B36 Strata Fortress, Vietnam 1969

The B29 Super Fortress and the B36 Strata Fortress, both constructed in Vietnam during 1969 at Phan Rang (US Airforce Base).

The B29 was Tex's first big plane, with a wingspan of 6 feet and length of approx 4 feet. The control line B36 6 engine Strata Fortress followed soon after, with a wingspan of 10 feet and length of 7 feet. These photos show the internal construction of the B36, built using one of the largest control line kits produced at the time.

It was a rush to get the planes finished by the time Tex was sent home in October 1969, so they never got off the ground in Vietnam.

"Transporting them back to Australia was going to be a problem, but with the assistance of air movements guys, carpenters and a whole pile of other friends we managed to get it packed and secured in accordance with regulations so it could be sent home." - Tex

In the end, the models were packed in a custom built crate with the B36 bolted to the floor and the B29 bolted to the roof, so that no matter which way the box was tilted they were secure. The crate was oversized, so when Tex picked it up from Cannon Hill he had to pay for a Police escort all the way back home.

Once back in Australia, Tex repainted the B36 colours to reflect the correct US markings of the plane, as shown in the newspaper clipping below.

Unfortunately, neither model lasted long. On a trip home from Amberley one afternoon, the B29 was strapped to the roof of Tex's little Datsun by the wheels. Half way home, the wind lifted underneath, tore the aircraft off the wheels and smashed it in to the road at 60 kilometers an hour. It never made it off the ground.

"I don't think there was a piece any bigger than the size of a cigarette packet left." - Tex

The B36 did fly, but only once. The weight and size of the plane in the air was too much for Tex to control with his home made control line handle. It took all his strength to prevent being dragged along by the plane and a desperate attempt to land resulted in a crash that completely destroyed the model.

Construction of B36 Vietnam 1969.JPG

Early construction photos of the B36

Construction of B36 Vietnam 1969 1.JPG

Construction of B36 Vietnam 1969 2.JPG

Putting the covering on the wings of the B36.

Construction of B36 Vietnam 1969 3.JPG

Construction of B36 Vietnam 1969 6.JPG

Construction of B36 Vietnam 1969 5.JPG

Painting in Australian colours

Construction of B36 Vietnam 1969 Painting Australian Colours.JPG

B36 Vietnam 1969.JPG

Both aircraft completed, on display outside ADG Hut, Phan Rang.

B29 Vietnam 1969.JPG

Completed B29 Super Fortress.

Tex with model.jpg

Vietnam 1969 B29 B36.JPG

Working out how to best transport the planes back to Australia.

Clipping Model Plane Ipswich.jpg

Newspaper article back home. The models often made their way to and from Amberley and home on the top of Tex's little Datsun (not always in one piece).

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