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Scale-Model Trebuchet, the original plans...

Although this model treb is an impressive and functional model in its own right, it was only constructed to provide 3D plans for the larger undertaking to come.

The ultimate goal was the construction of the largest scale model trebuchet in the Southern Hemisphere, but in order to get there we first needed a functioning model. The purpose of this model was to test and adjust faults, overcome dangers and to troubleshoot the dismantle/reassemble process.

As there were no patterns or plans, I had to copy one that was tried and true; the trebuchet at Warwick Castle was the perfect example. From photos showing people standing next to the machine, I guesstimated the measurements by taking the average height of the person at 1.8 metres and extrapolating from there. Going by the physics of the weapon, once I had the height of the ‘A’ frame all other sizes were a given.

The outcome… I was able to construct this small-scale model using all proportionally correct measurements.

As you can see from the video at the bottom of the page, it performed incredibly well, firing a golf ball 70 metres (to the shock of us all).

The following gallery demonstrates the progress of the small scale treb construction in the shed.


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